Illumination Of The Pussy City Pimps Allegory

At the time I’m writing this, it has almost been 10 years since I first took up the art of ROM-hacking. Can you believe, the first decade of Jomb? The first decade has been wild. My personal life has been very tumultuous, causing me to be unable to do any hacking for spans of time. I got to watch my hacks go from obscurity to, well, still obscurity but with a dedicated cult following. I’ve received death threats, marriage proposals, saw a hack of mine being sold in cartridge form on the black market, and been approached by fans in real life.

For all this though, I feel that my work is little understood. Most people play the games and laugh at the humor, or become revolted by the obscenity. A lot of people mistake it for mere nudity hacks. Some get shocked, and a rare few get it on an artistic level. What most people fail to realize however, is that all of my work has a tremendous amount of effort invested in it. Not just in the altering of tiles, sound and text, but the very narrative itself. And to take it a step further, though it is true that I crafted my work to be humorous, peculiar, to my artistic aesthetic, and a punch to the gut of the prudish, there is another level of detail. You see, each and every one of my works was designed to also work simultaneously on a deeper allegorical level. Like great literature, there is an underlying motif, symbolism, metaphors, etc.

I had decided long ago that I would not reveal this myself, that I would leave it to the people to realize. To make of it what they will without explanation. But much time has passed, and I have decided that for the 10th anniversary of Jomb and the Electric Womb, I will finally break my tradition of silence and reveal the truth behind my initial creation, Pussy City Pimps.

Pussy City Pimps may be my weakest creation from a strictly ROM-hacking perspective. I was young when I made it in the summer of 1999. Although there are some simple graphic changes, it is primarily a text-editing effort. I had not yet conceived of my method for composing avant music within a ROM. But making a good hack is about more than technical prowess with NES assembly or a hex editor. I wanted to make something meaningful, and are not words all that’s really required to make a statement?

Most of you thought this was a simple story about battling pimps who enslaved your sluttish girlfriends and forced you to pay for sex. That’s fine, by design it works on that level too. But this is art, and all great art has more going on than is superficially obvious. Forget about the sex and the pimps and the violence. This is really the story of the erosion of man’s freedom in modern society, the rest is all metaphors dressed up as jokes. The pimps represent the elements of society which are working to undermine your liberties, such as corporate interests, political corruption, religious repression, etc. The paradise of Pussy City is simply the ideal society of man, where freedom comes before greed, and everyone is taken care of instead of manipulated and used. Your favorite hoe Horny is representing the last straw, the final right which was taken from you which pushed you over the edge into action. Alex and Ryan (or whatever you chose to name them) are the people at the ballot box demanding their natural rights be returned to them in the face of greedy corporate interests. The tipping point at which we will take no more and will demand what is rightfully ours.

Why are their genitals hanging free? Because it’s not always pretty. To take a stand you sometimes have to expose yourself. Dirt will be dug up on you, you will be smeared. They will paint you as dangerous, like a man with his penis hanging out. It’s important to note that the penis is never erect. This is because the battle Alex and Ryan are undertaking for their rights is not titillating, just exposing.

The whore pick up contains no whores. They have all been pimped out. Just like your freedoms will be missing if profit and security are placed ahead of personal liberties and the good of the people. Alex has semen instead of health. It is a known fact that low sperm count can be caused by pollution in the environment and stress. Both of which are by products of greed before what’s right and loss of freedom.

Poxy secretly betrays the pimps to help Alex. She represents copyrighted material which should have passed into the Public Domain decades ago. Like all information she longs to be free and betrays her owners. Their greed cannot contain her completely.

Many of the pimp bosses, and Sore in particular, are metaphors for bureaucracy. Like a bureaucracy, they send you around in circles, never taking responsibility for anything and insisting things be done in a certain order. If you don’t follow the exact path the rules dictate they won't allow you to progress. All institutions which loathe the individual and natural human rights ultimately descend into bureaucracy. It is the natural enemy of freedom. The place from which foul deeds can be perpetrated facelessly, much like the pimps have similar features and quickly start to all look the same. In a bureaucracy responsibility and accountability can be escaped, and rights can be replaced with regulations and protocols.

The twins, Dongy and Snide represent greed at it’s most base form. Like drug-addicts their greed and lust for profit drives them to keep coming back no matter what the cost. Even after contracting VD and ruining their lives they can’t give up their quest to subjugate and exploit. To whore out your very rights to you on a per dollar basis. The class of greedy people who loathe freedom are the same class of people who would sell you the very air you breathe at gunpoint.

Alex encounters the Slaves; they are guarding Horny, who you will recall is a metaphor for the last right which sent him over the edge into action. In the end it is a complacent and sheepish population which allows mankind’s rights to be eroded away. The people who become slaves to luxury or fear. The people who allow their rights to be bartered away from them because they don’t have the heart to fight back.

And the finale, it is revealed that Prick is actually Slime, your ex-GF who underwent a sex change operation and became a completely different person. This is a metaphor for the transformative effect money and power can have upon people. Sometimes people with the best of intentions can become tyrants and oppressors over time when subjected to the corrupting effects of these influences. Even someone you previously loved can be made into an unrecognizable enslaver.

So there you have it. I have finally broken my silence about the true meaning of Pussy City Pimps. All of my hacks are like this though, and I leave it to you to figure out the true meanings yourself. You have a brain, use it, come to your own conclusions. But next time someone dismisses a work of art as simply a ‘nude hack’ or ‘toilet humor’ you will know that they may not know of what the fuck they speak. There is no help for the close-minded, but for everyone else, use your mind, do the hard work, and don’t give up your rights no matter what.

(Some Guy, 2009)