ROM Hacks
Game Boy / Game Boy Color Hacks
Final Fantasy Erection
Link Gets Laid
Metroid II: Samus Bares All
Pokemon Pimp - Golden Grills
Super Naked Fat Fuck
Genesis Hacks
Abnormal Family
God Hates You!
Golden Axe 3 (Nude Sarah Barn)
Streets of Rage 3 Ash Patch
NES Hacks
Acid Bros
Adventures in Vancouver BC
Adventures of Bullshit Billy, The
Ass Climber
Astyanax Remix
Austin Kung Fu
Autobot Bros
Baby Maker
Bakuchu Mondai
Basterd Master
Bionic Hippy
Bubble Bobble Shitmongers
Bud Bros
Catman 2
Catman 3
Catman 4
Clinton Kong
Coke Head Junkie
Cum Fu
Cutman's Bad Scizzors Day
Dead Bubble Bobble
Dick & Milk
Dick Tales
Donkey Kong Stripped Princess
Dragon Pervert
Dragoon Warrior Fuck Hack
Druggy Final Fight
Ernie and the Muppets Take It All Off
Fucked Up North & South
Fucker's Quest
Fucker's Christmas Quest
Gauntlet XXX
Gay Ghostfuckers 2
Gumsmoke: The Parody
How to Waste Time on the Internet
Inner City Ransom
Jehovah's Witnesses, The
Jew Fighter
Lil Stoner
Lone Rapist, The
Mario Nude
Master Shake Cowboy Killa
Master Shake Slak Hack
M.C. Mario
Metal Queer
Mr T Ate My Balls
Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis
Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis: Subsistence
Naked Samus
Nazi Dr Mario
Ninja Gayden
Noodies, The
Nude Punch-Out
Oaty Invaders
Orgy Time
Osama Hunt
Pimpin' Extasy
Pot Man 3
Princess Peach Toadstool
Pussy City Pimps
Questionable Crystalis
Red Rocket
SARS Kung Fu
Satanic Freak Bros
Sex Pot Racing
September the Twenty-Seventh
Sickey Spice
Skinhead City Kancer
Skinhead on Ice
Snow Killers
Sonny Bono's Ski Adventure
South Park Zelda
Stick River City Ransom
Suckday Fuckday
Super Abe Bros 3
Super Bizarrio Bros
Super Butt Bros 3
Super Catholic Bros
Super Cigarette Bros
Super Fag Bros 3
Super Goatse Bros
Super Naked Badminton
Super Nazi Bros
Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3
Super Penio Bros
Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 1337
Super Pimp Bros
Super Punk Bros
Super Sperm Bros
Tran Tramps: The Family Jewels
Wilford Brimley Battle
Womanbusters II: Katie's Revenge
World Heroes 3
WWF Tennis
PSX / PS2 Hacks
Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore Kasumi nude code
n00d Raider: Special Drama Crap Edition
SNES Hacks
Bolivia '96!
Super Mario World: Chaos CompleXX
Super Metroid: Justin Bailey